Title: Secret Survivors: Real-life Stories to Give You Hope for Healing by Jen Howver and Megan Hutchinson.
Pages: 160.
How it was obtained: Bought it with some other youth ministry books.
Time spent on the "to read" shelf: None.
Days spent reading it: 3 days.
Why I read it: I know our youth are sometimes going through really difficult struggles. I thought this book might be a good resource to make available to them.
Brief review: Secret Survivors is a powerful book that talks about the secrets that we hold inside that are tearing us apart. It is told by different "survivors" of some very traumatic secrets. Issues such as cutting, incest, rape, pornography, eating disorders, and abortion are amongst the topics that are talked about.
What I liked about this book is the broad range of topics that are talked about. Each topic is talked about through the words of a survivor. Additionally at the end of each chapter are reflection questions that are applicable for any reader (not just those who have been through that particular secret). This was very helpful in thinking through the issues that the book talks about, and truly bringing healing to hurt and damaged souls.
I cannot even imagine living through some of the issues that are covered in this book. Some made my heart feel like it was breaking right there as I was reading. The book encourages the reader to write out their own survival story from whatever secret is destroying them.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has ANY emotional, physical, or spiritual baggage in their past. Healing is possible, and this book helps you take the first steps. I would also recommend this book to anyone who works with youth (or adults even) who may be dealing with these kinds of issues. I gained a lot of insight into some worlds that I have never delved into before. Overall a worthwhile book to read for me.
Favorite quote: The reality is that our secrets eat away at us. Secrets break us down emotionally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. The only way to really survive is to break the power our secrets have over us--by telling someone else.
Stars: 4 out of 5.
Final Word: Hopeful.
1 comment:
Sounds very good.
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