Book 00
Kingdom Partnerships for Synergy in World Missions by William Taylor (ed.).
Book 000
Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life by Paul Stanley and J. Robert Clinton.
These books total for a little over 500 total pages of reading. What a bummer. But the majority of reading for that class is over, and perhaps now I can cruise to an easy victory over my first few books.
In related news, I have been to two bookstores and have yet to purchase a book for myself! Good job Patrick. Stick to your goals. It can be done. (That's what I have to say to myself as I walk away from all the books I want to buy.)
I didn't know you were taking online classes -- for what purpose?
I'm currently taking one online course. It is called Current Issues in Missions. Its a graduate course done through Crown College. I'm taking it for two reasons. 1. It was free! When I went to a New Worker's conference for the C&MA, Crown offered one free course. So I decided to take them up on that offer.
2. My missions course work is a little slim, and I wanted to bolster those hours so that the C&MA would be happier with my course work. Since I graduated from CIU, I have added 6 hours. I'm looking a little better on paper everyday.
I think now I can leave comments. This is a test.
Any worthwhile nuggets from either of the two books you read for the missions class? Rating from 1-5?
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